Partly Facetious: It was a wrong move
"I would like to condemn what happened on Thursday and..."
"OK, but I would like to mention..."
"It was a wrong move and Mian sahib must remember that what goes around comes around and need I add he has come to power three times and been out of power the rest of the time and surely even he should have learned a lesson namely that power is not for always and..."
"Hey, he has been assured by Ahsan Iqbal that the party would remain in power till vision 2025..."
"When did Iqbal's visions that invariably span several tenures ever come to fruition?"
"Never to date but there is always the first time."
"Don't be facetious anyway the lockdown of the Khanzadehs is ongoing and I was saddened by this policy - Mian sahib must remember his long march for reinstatement of the judiciary!"
"And that's precisely what I want to talk to you about. At that time the third force stepped in and Mian sahib turned around from Gujranwala and let me add that at the time Mian sahib exhibited tremendous patience and...."
"What patience are you talking about? He took on the government and won and..."
"Patience to leave Gujranwala without partaking of the yummy food available there!"
"Hey silly, at the time he turned around all food places were shut and don't forget Mian sahib has Khurram Dastgir to deliver any food from his native town if he so desires."
"Oh dear, but can I say something now without you interrupting."
"In our politics interruptions are the norm but OK I will give you leave to speak."
"Thank you I just want to point out to you that Mian sahib has brought about a momentous change..."
"Getting the police to baton charge and arrest one's opponents does not reflect any change my friend. And I for one was against the lockdown of Islamabad and after this action I no longer support the government and..."
"Please let me speak, I was referring to three plus one instead of the usual two plus one meeting."
"Whatever are you referring to?"
"One remains the chief of army staff and this time for the first time it wasn't only Chaudhry Nisar and Shahbaz Sharif that met with the army chief but Dar was also sent..."
"Hmmm, that is telling but surely even Mian sahib knows that accountants do not have the training to be incarcerated while politicians have that training."
"Don't be facetious."
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